Well, the remixing unit at my school is almost over now, and we've been asked to reflect upon it. The truth is that before this unit, I barely knew anything about remixing, and I didn't really respect remixing, or even think about it as an art form. I've come to realize that remixing is a lot easier and a lot harder than most people think. It's easier in the sense that anybody can do it; by this I mean that everyone has access to remixing tools. It's much harder than most think, however, to actually create good remixes. You need to work for a long time to get everything just right, and you need to know a lot of music really well, because that's the only way you'll know what goes well with what. Basically, remixing is a skill that takes time and effort to develop, and should not be undervalued. I now understand that remixing is indeed a form of art, and a pretty hard one at that.