Logos are extremely important parts of brands/companies/organizations. They represent their organizations and give them a public image, so if you need to make a logo, be sure to take your time with it and design it just right. 
I think the Google logo is pretty much  perfect. It's very simple, so it's not hard to remember, it's colorful and fun, and perhaps most importantly, it's adaptable. What I mean by this is that Google continually changes its logo to commemorate certain events throughout history which it considers important. This is a really fun tradition of Google's, and it paints a picture (no pun intended!) of a company that not only wants money; they also appreciate creativity, science, and art.  

What's your favorite logo and why? 

PS. Fun fact: Google's name is an intentional misspelling of 'googol', which is a really cool number. One googol is 10^100, or 1 with 100 zeroes after it. That number is ridiculously big! But even more ridiculous is a googolplex, or 10^googol. It's 1 with googol zeroes. That number is so big that if you had a piece of paper the length of the observable universe, and you tried typing a googolplex in size 1 font,  you still wouldn't have enough space to write a googolplex! In fact, the distance required to write a googolplex would be 4x10^69 times the diameter of the observable universe (which is 93 billion light-years!). And Google's headquarters is called, you guessed it, The GooglePlex. 

10/7/2013 04:54:46 am

MY favorite log is "nike, just do it!" because its catchy and no one will ever forget it.

10/7/2013 04:55:33 am

I like Google logo, its not my favorite one, but still it is a really good logo, mines is Starbucks, not only because I love the frapuccionos there, but because it is actually a mermaid with 2 tails!
Nice job!

10/7/2013 04:57:59 am

Nicee! I really like the google logo too, you see it everywhere haha! My favorite logo is apple cause it is very simple and easy to remember.


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